Our people are making a difference every day

For workplaces to create the right culture and experience, they must tap into what genuinely motivates and retains talented and passionate employees, especially when they are key to creating great member experiences. At Link Group RSS, "People first" is the driving philosophy where we live and breathe this ethos by building an engaging and fun place to work, providing comprehensive training and development, attractive career pathways, rewards and fulfilment opportunities through our newest program - "Workforce of the future".

Workforce of the future

We recently launched a dedicated program called "Workforce of the future", delivered first to our Service Excellence teams who are a critical focus as they provide key support to fund members. Within this program, we developed our ‘Great place to work’ initiative, which delivers on our Employee Value Proposition throughout a person’s working life at Link Group. It covers recruitment, onboarding, training and skill development, as well as retention and career pathways.

From day one, we want to ensure our people, who have diverse backgrounds and needs, undergo the best possible recruitment and onboarding experience and get access to the right support to learn and grow. Through our career pathways initiative, we have also laid out great opportunities for people to move on and up within the organisation.

Making a difference for members

"We need to be relentless in creating the right environment for an engaged and passionate workforce to thrive. It is a critical piece in making the difference real for our members and clients."

Jane Morwick, RSS General Manager, Services and Transformation

By energising our people to be happy when they come to work, they’ll be motivated to create and deliver great member experiences. We want our people to thrive, be passionate about making a difference to our members every single day. We have already started to reap the benefits of our "Workforce of the future" program including:

For RSS For clients & members
  • Increased job satisfaction and enjoyment
  • Upskilled staff for leadership and management positions
  • Rewarded staff for great work and collaboration
  • Reduced staff turnover
  • Improved job productivity and efficiency
  • Building a culture of problem solvers and high-performing teams
  • Developed stronger relationships 
  • Delivered consistently on member needs 
  • Cultivated meaningful and quality interactions
  • Generated proactive support and greater alignment
  • Gained deeper understanding of members
  • Reduced risk and knowledge loss
  • Quick time turn-around to resolve complex matters

How it works

The program has been segmented into the following four streams to reflect the employee lifecycle.

Attraction & recruitment

  • Modernising our approach to recruitment
  • Increased permanent job opportunities
  • Generating greater consistency across recruiters and engagement with candidates
  • Increasing intakes across regions to leverage diverse talent pools
  • Progressing on remote and regional recruitment with flexible work arrangements

Induction training & learning

  • Providing updated new starter welcome packs
  • Ensuring seamless digital set up, ensuring new starters have all their tools & equipment available
  • Refreshing contact centre induction training program using a combination of face-to-face and e-learning

Reward & recognition

  • Driving a sense of community and fun across our teams through our ‘Our Great Place to Work’ engagement plan
  • Re-development of our Melbourne Collins Square premises with new and contemporary office fit-out to support team collaboration and neighborhoods

Development, succession & planning

  • Offering flexible work arrangements while ensuring collaboration in the office (2 days per week)
  • Promoting career success stories at regular town hall meetings plus ‘lunch and learn’ events
  • Implementing Leadership Program for Service Excellence
  • Extending leadership team forums in place to focus on development
  • Providing weekly engagement updates to entire team

Our successes so far

We are delighted to report the "Workforce of the future" program has already achieved some promising results, with strong recruitment retention rates from offer to induction.

To date, 40 leaders have benefited from participating in the Leadership Program for Service Excellence. Our new leaders have shared positive feedback about the training, via our Leadership Forum and during career pathway town halls.

Our next steps

This quarter we are kicking off a regional recruitment pilot within Member Services.

We are always looking for opportunities to do better and our "Workforce of the future" program is another step for us to progress together.

To learn more about "Workforce of the future", please contact your Client Partnership Manager.