Eliminating the risk of modern slavery

Link Group takes the risk of modern slavery seriously. Across our organisation and supply chain, we operate as a responsible and ethical business with respect for human rights and a commitment to eliminating modern slavery wherever possible.

Elimination of modern slavery is a priority

Pillar one of our sustainability strategy focuses on our strong governance foundation demonstrating ethics and respect for human rights which we adopt in all aspects of our business, including general operations, information security, privacy, business continuity and supplier management.

Link Group continues to work with key stakeholders towards eliminating modern slavery.

Modern slavery statement

Our commitment to respecting and supporting human rights is aligned to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and is outlined in our Code of Conduct and Ethics and Human Rights Policy.

Each year Link Group produces a combined Modern Slavery Statement to fulfil our obligations under the UK and Australian legislation. Our FY2022 Modern Slavery StatementOpens in new window outlines our progress towards identifying and addressing modern slavery risks within our business and supply chain.

Supply chain risk

In FY2022, we engaged in the following actions to reduce the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain.

  • Annual third party risk assessment of entire supplier database
  • Annual questionnaires as part of supplier onboarding and ongoing engagement
  • Deep dives into tier 1 suppliers that potentially have a higher risk of modern slavery, as identified in the annual third-party risk assessment
  • Partnered with Cbus, one of our key RSS clients, to discuss how we each approach modern slavery assessment and reduction of risk within our individual and collective supply chains. A case study on the engagement with Cbus will be published in the FY2022 Group Modern Slavery Statement.

There were no known instances of modern slavery incidents reported.